Friday 30 May 2014

Promo Video for Beacon Travel! Yes! Yes!

I'm afraid I have good and bad news.

The bad news is that this blog is very unlikely to resume reviewing locations, as it seems the ISYS100 assignment is close to marking time. As such, this is probably the last post you'll ever see on this blog. If there is ever a new post, you can have the bragging rights to say I'm wrong.
If you really wanted to, you can follow us on Twitter, if you didn't already realize. I mean, it's not like anything big will happen anytime soon...
But cheers for the views though, and we hope you had a good run jogging with us. In case you were wondering, some of the (recently) scrapped ideas for reviews included Raccoon City, Punk Hazard and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. You can read about them in your own time, maybe even review them as a tribute to us...?

Anyway, the good news is that we made a totally random promo video! Now, I'm warning you, the things you'll see had little to no serious consideration for actual filming, so don't be surprised at the things you'll see. If you really wanted to, you can watch it on YouTube (hopefully Girling won't be surprised at the spike in views on his account).

Once again, cheers for keeping up with us for that brief moment of greatness when we realized the blog had over 400 views. Maybe one day, a legacy might rise up from the ashes of Beacon Travel and soar above all the rest...Who knows.

Monday 12 May 2014

Brazil part 2

Part 2 - How to stay safe in Brazil.

A holiday to Brazil can be a very rewarding and unique experience.

However, high crime rates can ruin this experience for many tourists, so follow these tips below to minimise the risk.

  • Try and stick with others throughout the trip, such as a small group with friends. Never wander off alone, especially at night
  • Do not catch a bus at night, try calling a taxi from an established company (do not randomly pick one off the street, it may be unlicensed)
  • Be vigilant of your surroundings and other people.
  • Don't wear expensive jewellery or watches, or even expensive looking. Criminals can't tell the difference and will attempt to mug you either way. 
  • Don't carry an excessive amount of cash, and distribute your money in many pockets, not just one. 
  • Use ATM's inside a bank or shopping centre, and be careful of suspicious looking people around you.
  • Keep cameras out of sight when not in use, such as in your pocket.
  • Visit the city centre during work hours, it is said to be dangerous at night and on the weekend.
  • Although the beaches are beautiful, be careful of thieves amongst the crowd.
If you follow these tips you should have a fun and enjoyable trip to the exotic country of Brazil. Happy flying!

References from:

Thursday 8 May 2014

Isla Nublar

Isla Nublar

Isla Nublar, meaning “clouded island,” is as remote island in the shape of a reversed teardrop about 120 miles off the west of Costa Rica. Despite being small, the island has mountainous ridges that have created ecological niches. On the western coast of the island you are challenged by very rough and mountainous terrain. However, it is here where you will indulge your sight on the velvet green cliffs and cascading waterfalls plunging into deep, narrow valleys. The many rivers formed flow to the eastern part of the island, the trail along them definitely a luxury that should not be missed. Rough and mountainous terrain also shelters the northern part of the island. If you aren’t satisfied by the western and eastern views, the north of Isla Nublar will definitely do itself justice, possessing an exquisitely active volcano. The most impressive mountain on the island is called Sibo, holding sacred value after the main deity of the Nima’s tribe as he was believed to be the creator of Earth. The mountain has the shape of a house, leading the natives to their belief that the animals of the world had built it.      

Yes all the above may make Isla Nublar sound intriguing enough to be added to your travel itinerary, but there is one thing that will make certain you venture to this little island. It clutches the very famous Jurassic Park! The ‘Jurassic Park Visitors Center,’ a beautiful architectural designed building, is the home of countless dinosaur fossils. The different park areas are known as Hypsilophodont Highlands, Triceratops Territory, Sauropod Swamp, Carnivore Country, Stegosaurus South, Velociraptor Valley and Pterosaur Peak, all of which comprise of the fascinating history about dinosaurs.

 There are many amazing sites to be seen on the breath taking island of Isla Nublar, so be sure to add it to your travel itinerary, you won’t regret it!



Being a direct English translation from its Sindarin meaning “The Dark Land”, Mordor in Middle Earth sure lives up to its name. Because of the violently active volcano nearby, Mount Doom, Mordor is constantly laden with a combination of ash and dust, combined with the toxic fumes produced by it. As well as that, this is where the legendary superstar Sauron began the genesis of the One Ring. So grab an oxygen mask and a good bunch of Elven bread, because that WILL be the last time you’ll ever see fresh food.

A history of darkness

Sauron initially settled into Mordor in order to build and plan his devious schemes. Having this kind of privacy from the other regions, he could forge the One Ring without any external intervention, as well as set up various fortresses to house his thousands of troops.
For over 3000 years, Sauron has ruled Mordor, both in physical and spiritual form, constantly attacking neighbouring regions in a quest to rule Middle Earth.

After the War of the Ring, Mordor remained as a barren wasteland since Sauron (now slain) and his forces had ceased. The land is now repossessed by the people of Gondor and Nurn, who can surprisingly sustain themselves in the plains.

Mordor has “More Doors”

Though Mordor is significantly recognised for its deadly environment, don’t let that stop you from marvelling at Sauron’s once-mighty accomplishments.
Barad-dûr is the largest fortress in Middle Earth, towering more than one kilometre in height (constituting for about 3 Eiffel Towers!), was the centrepiece of Mordor’s splendour during Sauron’s reign. One of the most notable landmarks in Barad-dûr was the Eye of Sauron, known for gazing out in distant directions from the tower itself.
Though left in ruins in this day in age, you can still see how immense Barad-dûr was in its golden era, and maybe even get a nifty photo booth souvenir to take home with you (like we did).

If you wanted to see a landmark in Mordor that isn’t reduced to rubble or has some remnant of the past still imbued into it over the ages, Mount Doom is the place to be. Although large eruptions are very rare due to Sauron’s absence, throwing things like the One Ring into the volcano can usually start massive explosions.
This was the very place where the One Ring was forged, by Sauron himself because he could control the flames to mould the ring. Ironically, this is also where Frodo tossed the ring into its demise (along with poor Gollum), so the volcano itself as a rather intriguing backstory.


Mordor may be only a land of ash and smoke these days, but you can still appreciate the magnitude it once held in Middle Earth politics. As well, you can walk in the same footsteps as a variety of famed individuals have before you, such as Sauron, Gandalf the White, Legolas Greenleaf and Frodo Baggins, to name a few.

Reference List

Mordor can be confusing and intimidating, so getting lost is natural (Frodo nearly died because of that very reason). But these links are less so, and as such, you can study up on what you really need to strap up sufficiently for a few months in Mordor. Months, I say? Yes, Mordor is that big.

Mount Doom (n.d.) Retrieved May 8th, 2014, from
Mordor (2014) Retrieved May 8th, 2014, from
Mordor (2013) Retrieved May 8th, 2014, from

Tuesday 6 May 2014



Ever thought about joining a gang and being able to do drugs because thats really cool? Mexico is your next destination if thats the way you roll! Although Mexico may seem like such a corrupt city, it is surprisingly a nice sight seeing destination.

I bet you're thinking, surely that photo above can't be Mexico..? But yes, this is just one of the beautiful places Mexico has to offer. Mexico is home to some of the most secluded and beautiful beaches this earth has to offer. Yelapa is one of the many that must be visted. Yelapa is a little South Pacific Island which is home to roughly 1500 Mexicans. There are plenty of things you can do at Yelapa, from hiking to horse riding or just taking a dip in the fresh water. Upon arrival you may find ladies of Yelapa selling fresh hot home made pies, and maybe something else... if you get what i mean!

Things to do in Mexico

So i guess you've decided you want to come to Mexico? But whats there to do? There are plenty of things to do here in Mexico, from drug dealing to gang fights, its all there..! Im joking, theres more to Mexico than just that. 
A few really popular activities that you can do in Mexico is:

Rock Climbing
Snorkelling and Diving

How to stay SAFE in Mexico

So you've decided you're coming to Mexico, but mum is constantly on your back saying you're gonna get abducted, held ransom and eventually killed and you do think this is a possibility but you're just trying to convince mum it wont happen. In order to convince your mum thats you're gonna be safe, follow these simple few tips:

Update your vaccinations
Travel in groups
Don't go down back streets and alley ways
Stay in main, populated cities
Don't buy drugs
Don't join gangs
Don't make eye contact with gang members
Don't be a smartass to the locals
Always use rubber

Reference: For more information on travels to Mexico, visit the following:

City of Springfield

The city of Springfield is located in the United States of America and borders Ohio, Kentucky and Nevada. Because of its discrete location, Springfield's geography varies from including deserts, mountain ranges, forests, canyons and beaches. The skies of Springfield are faintly clear due to the pollution from its infamous power plant. The historic power plant within Springfield has created the worlds most polluted lake, Lake Springfield, and is home to unusual creatures. Due to Springfield's environment being polluted, 30 years ago, they had to relocate the town 6 miles west, due to overflowing garbage. 

Things to do in Springfield

Although Springfield may seem like such a weird state from the description above, its actually great for a family vacation. The Springfield Tire Yard is definitely one for the kids to see. The Tire yard has been burning for 25 years and can be smelled in forty six states. Its a must see destination for kids because kids are able to throw tires into the pile, and even themselves if they really wanted to. 

One for the older guys is Moe's Tavern. Moe's Tavern is the only bar in Springfield and is home to Springfield legends like Homer Simpson, Barney Gumble, Carl Carlson, Lenny Leonard and the owner, Moe Szylack. Moe's Tavern is a grubby little place, where Moe's office is in the female toilet. The range of beverages is limited, with Moe only providing Duff Beer, a Springfield favourite. 

Reference List:

This one website is home to all the information about the city of Springfield. From who lives there, to where they live, everything is covered.

Monday 5 May 2014


Sun, sand, surf, sex and sin. These are just a few words that come into peoples mind when they think of the exotic, but mysterious country of Brazil. The country, situated on the north-east coastline of South America, is one of the most beautiful countries a tourist can visit, for a price. Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, experience high crime rates, including wide-spread murder, rape and 'quicknapping' (where the victim gets taken for a short amount of time with a quick payoff). In Rio alone, there are 17 murders daily. Although a hot spot for crime, Brazil will offer tourists a vacation of a life time, if they tread carefully.

What can I do there?
Brazil takes pride in its beaches, its music and dance, shopping, food and party atmosphere, with its annual Carnaval festivities and laid back tolerance of sexuality. Straight, gay or somewhere in between, Brazil will embrace you with open arms.

Popular landmarks include Copacabana Beach, the Amazon River, Iguazu Falls and the statue 'Christ the Redeemer' which is the statue of Jesus Christ overlooking Rio. The statue, located 700 meters up on Corcovado Mountain, gives tourists a sweeping panoramic view of the city, a perfect photo opportunity.

To be continued... In the next post I discuss how to stay safe while in Brazil. 

References include: