Monday 5 May 2014


Sun, sand, surf, sex and sin. These are just a few words that come into peoples mind when they think of the exotic, but mysterious country of Brazil. The country, situated on the north-east coastline of South America, is one of the most beautiful countries a tourist can visit, for a price. Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, experience high crime rates, including wide-spread murder, rape and 'quicknapping' (where the victim gets taken for a short amount of time with a quick payoff). In Rio alone, there are 17 murders daily. Although a hot spot for crime, Brazil will offer tourists a vacation of a life time, if they tread carefully.

What can I do there?
Brazil takes pride in its beaches, its music and dance, shopping, food and party atmosphere, with its annual Carnaval festivities and laid back tolerance of sexuality. Straight, gay or somewhere in between, Brazil will embrace you with open arms.

Popular landmarks include Copacabana Beach, the Amazon River, Iguazu Falls and the statue 'Christ the Redeemer' which is the statue of Jesus Christ overlooking Rio. The statue, located 700 meters up on Corcovado Mountain, gives tourists a sweeping panoramic view of the city, a perfect photo opportunity.

To be continued... In the next post I discuss how to stay safe while in Brazil. 

References include:

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