Friday 30 May 2014

Promo Video for Beacon Travel! Yes! Yes!

I'm afraid I have good and bad news.

The bad news is that this blog is very unlikely to resume reviewing locations, as it seems the ISYS100 assignment is close to marking time. As such, this is probably the last post you'll ever see on this blog. If there is ever a new post, you can have the bragging rights to say I'm wrong.
If you really wanted to, you can follow us on Twitter, if you didn't already realize. I mean, it's not like anything big will happen anytime soon...
But cheers for the views though, and we hope you had a good run jogging with us. In case you were wondering, some of the (recently) scrapped ideas for reviews included Raccoon City, Punk Hazard and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. You can read about them in your own time, maybe even review them as a tribute to us...?

Anyway, the good news is that we made a totally random promo video! Now, I'm warning you, the things you'll see had little to no serious consideration for actual filming, so don't be surprised at the things you'll see. If you really wanted to, you can watch it on YouTube (hopefully Girling won't be surprised at the spike in views on his account).

Once again, cheers for keeping up with us for that brief moment of greatness when we realized the blog had over 400 views. Maybe one day, a legacy might rise up from the ashes of Beacon Travel and soar above all the rest...Who knows.

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