Friday 18 April 2014

Mos Eisley

Mos Eisley


“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” Those were the infamous words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, used to describe the spaceport at Mos Eisley, Tatooine. And, as true as those words stand, you should probably go there and see how accurately Obi-Wan summarises life in Mos Eisley. After all, its colloquial nickname is “the armpit of the galaxy”.

Life in the “armpit”

Mos Eisley is well-renowned for its illegal spice and arms dealers in its shady alleyways. Other illegal, and legal, trade businesses also contribute to the city’s reputation throughout the galaxy.
There is fairly little effort given to preventing this illegal activity, as Mos Eisley greatly lacks law enforcers. And even so, most of these businesses have enough wealth to bribe their way out of getting arrested. In any case, illegal goods are a trademark of Mos Eisley.

Places of interesting interest

Being a primary trade port on Tatooine, Mos Eisley is home to many remarkable locations for the average tourist. As such, I can only recommend so much. But these places specifically have peaked my interest while in the city:
Jango Fett Arena, named after the famous Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett, is a large colosseum, where large beasts are often pitted against each other as a form of entertainment for the denizens of Mos Eisley.

As well, the Mos Eisley Cantina at 3112, Outer Kerner Way, is a great place to drink and dine with the local citizens and smugglers, who would beat you up if you gave them the wrong look.
Unlike most of the shadiest places in Mos Eisley, the Cantina was the ideal place to discuss private matters because of the anti-Droid policy employed there. This policy is further enforced with a Fabritech EPT-212 system in the main doorway that detects any Droids that attempt to enter the building.
Mos Eisley Cantina has seen its share of fire bombings, showdowns and Bledsoes’ disease, but it’s still alive and running as well as it was since the Old Republic Era.


Mos Eisley may not be the safest place in the galaxy, but it sure has some great landmarks and decent people, just as long as you pay off your debts at the right time. If you’re looking for exotic souvenirs to take home with you on your way back home, you’re most likely to find it in these markets at bargain prices. So, logically, this is the one place where anything illegal is probably legal enough for you to get away with. Why not start dealing with banned goods on Mos Eisley today?


If you want to survive in Mos Eisley, you need connections. And to get these connections, you'd better not look like a tourist. Look at Han Solo, and how he nearly got shot by Greedo. But that's another story.
So, what you need is the knowledge and know-how about Mos Eisley to gain trust from the shadiest denizens on the city. Because if you want to survive, sometimes you have to be a bit crazy:

Mos Eisley (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2014, from

Mos Eisley (2013). Retrieved April 19, 2014, from

"marcin_klaban" (2012). Mos Eisley StarWars city on desert. Retrieved April 19, 2014, from,-11.20,70.0

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